What is a Podcast?
Podcasts are usually audio files that can be recorded in a format similar to a radio broadcast. Once created, they can be placed on a website as a link, downloaded to a digital music player or saved to a portable music player such as an Ipod. Depending on where the files are placed, they can even be subscribed to.
Take a look at the Podcast Directory
for many examples on a variety of searchable topics.
Why Podcast? - Here is a list of ideas and ways in which you can actively involve your students to create awesome audio and video content for your school and community.
- Teachers - supplemental listening/viewing material for assignments
- PSA - create a public service announcement on a topic such as bullying or internet safety
- To announce upcoming events - place a link to the podcast on your school's website
- To publicize fundraising events
- Make it a weekly radio show
Examples of Student Podcasts
And here are two segments from a grade 6 class in Ontario - Ripple Radio 1st Show.mp3 and 2nd Show.mp3.
Here is an excellent video from dummies.com on how to create a podcast.
What do you need in order to make a podcast?
Software to record sound (Microsoft Sound Recorder) and/or sound editing software such as GarageBand (Mac) or Audacity (Windows) and a microphone.
What do you use for a microphone?
Usb Logitech headsets work very well. Just remember to go into the Windows Control Panel | Sound and Audio Devices | under the audio tab be sure the there is no check mark in the box beside "Use only default devices".
What are the main steps in creating a podcast?
1. Plan the content - use a storyboard of some sort.
2. Record the audio.
3. Add background music and/or sounds to set the mood.
4. Edit the audio.
5. Export the podcast as an MP3 file.
6. Upload and link your MP3 file to a website, blog or Wiki page.
Tips on Using Audacity
An Overview of the Toolbars. thanks to Duncan Whitehurst - ICT Advisory Teacher Pembrokeshire County Council
From http://portablepd.edublogs.org/, here is an excellent exercise to use with your students. It will help them learn how to edit sound files in Audacity.
scrambledsentences.pdf Download the attached pdf - Audacity Scrambled Message.
1. Using the downloaded form, write a sentence using exactly 10 words and place each word in the box.
2. Now, scramble the message and write down the 10 words again, but in a different order.
3. Record the scrambled message, speaking slowly as you say each word.
4. Now unscramble the message, using Audacity's cut and paste tools.
Using Audacity to export in MP3 format
You need to download a file called a lame encoder lame_enc.dll in order to do this. Save the file to your desktop. Now you need to link the file to Audacity. In Audacity, go to Edit | Preferences. Click on the File Formats tab. Click on Find library and navigate to your desktop where you saved your file. Click once on the file and select Open. Close any open windows. Now when you want to save your file as an MP3, click on File | Export as MP3.
Resources and how-tos
Portable PD - lots of information here at: http://portablepd.ca/
How to use Audacity - http://www.sad61.k12.me.us/Web2.0/Podcasting
Guides and Tutorials - Podcasting - http://www.guidesandtutorials.com/podcasting-tutorial.html
Guides and Tutorials - Audacity - http://www.guidesandtutorials.com/audacity-tutorial.html
A Wiki on podcasting - http://phatala.wikispaces.com/Podcasting
The companion podcast for the book, Podcasting For Dummies, published by John Wiley & Sons. http://etips.dummies.com/rss/podcastingfd.xml
More on Podcasting - http://computer.howstuffworks.com/podcasting.htm
How-to Geek Guide on Audio Editing
Tech Resources
Download Audacity free
Recording with audacity tutorial
Free online teleprompter
Free? Music and Sounds - as always, it is advised to check the Terms of Use of these sites
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