Newsreaders and RSS Feeds - Aggregator or Feed Collector - Speedread the internet
Short for Really Simple Syndication, RSS is a format for storing online information that can be readable by different kinds of software and allows a constantly updated version of a site’s latest information. It allows a user to get up todate information from numerous sites.
A newsreader gathers the news from multiple blogs or news sites via RSS. This allows the user to access all their newsfeeds from a single web site or program. Google Reader, Pageflakes, NetVibes can all be used to place all feeds in one spot.
One can also use online newsreaders like Bloglines, Pluck, or Newsgator to read RSS feeds from within your web browser. You can create an RSS feed to update parents, students, teachers to changes happening in school.
Instructions on how to subscribe to an RSS feed
Using Firefox - Visit a page with an RSS feed. If you see this icon
in the address bar or on the web page itself, click it. Select the feed that you are interested in -

Now, click the dropdown beside Subscribe to this feed using - If you select Live Bookmarks for example, click Subscribe Now. Name the feed and select where you would like to create the Bookmark - perhaps the Bookmarks Toolbar Folder. Click OK. When you click the bookmark, you will see a list of recent posts. Select the one that you wish to read.

For those who use Internet Explorer as their browser, click the RSS icon. Then click Subscribe to this feed. Name and select a location to store the Favourite. Click Subscribe. To access the feed, click the star icon beside the first tab. You will see a list of favourites in the dropdown. Select the entry you wish to view.
Video - Intro to Web 2.0 RSS
Links to collections of feeds
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