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Social Bookmarking

Page history last edited by D. Doctor 14 years, 10 months ago


A social bookmarking site such as delicious, allows you to store and share bookmarks on the web, instead of inside your browser. This means you have access to your bookmarks at anytime from any computer with an internet connection. Organizing your collection is easy with the use of tags which can be modified at any time. You have the option of sharing your bookmarks with others or keeping them private.


You can even find other links that interest you by typing in eg. http://delicious.com/tag/internet or to see the most popular http://delicious.com/popular/internet









What can you do with Delicious?

  • Share a bookmark with another user.
  •  Edit, rename, delete a tag.
  • Bundle tags for organizational purposes
  • View as a cloud.
  • Tag sites for students  eg. delicious.com/ddoc/internetsafety and use specific sites for a scavenger hunt to answer questions or label pictures that you provide. No more incorrect URLS.  Tip:  Make a unique tag for just a group of users to use
  • See sites other people have tagged on a specifc topic i.e. http://delicious.com/tag/photoshop









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