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Video Sites

Page history last edited by D. Doctor 14 years, 4 months ago

     From the National Film Board of Canada - Over 900 English titles and over 700 French titles of free on-line videos.



DeskTube - A desktop YouTube application

It allows the user to search/view/upload videos, create 4 way video chats, post/view comments, view personal playlists, view personal subscriptions, record video, and post updates to Twitter, Facebook


Play the Piano Online - a YouTube interactive in-video link.  You can literally play the piano in this video. Wait for the video to download and then use your mouse to press the keys to play music.  From Kokokaka.com






Harness your Students' Digital Smarts

A look at how wikis. blogs, digital storytelling and other digital tools are used by teacher Vicki Davis - Video from edutopia




Video in the Classroom.com

A site about integratig video production in the Elementary classroom


Technology from a student perspective



Interesting Videos to watch about Technology, the Internet and Web 2.0


"A computer network called Internet" - from the CBC in 1993



"Ban the Internet" - from the CBC Archives - a tongue-in-cheek rant by  commentator Greg Rist.



Another "Did You Know" video - interesting stats



"Have You Been Paying Attention" - the digital students of today and how we should be teaching



"The Machine is Us/ing Us" - Michael Wesch

1 year ago 7,456,385 views


To see more of his videos, see http://www.youtube.com/user/mwesch.  If you have some time on your hands, Michael's presentation, An anthropological introduction to YouTube  (55.33 min) to the Library of Congress is a fascinating study of the cultural significance of YouTube.


"Introducing the Book" - a medievel help desk



The Networked Student - Written and directed by Wendy Drexler, inspired by a Connectivism course offered by

George Siemens and Stephen Downes Fall 2008



Pattie Maes & Pranav Mistry: Unveiling the "Sixth Sense," game-changing wearable tech



Fun With Webcams on CollegeHumor

http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1916384 - unbelievable creativity and collaboration!



Sites where users can upload, view and share video clips






Provides students and educators a safe, moderated and free media sharing website for teachers and students that is nationally endorsed by premier education associations. All student created materials on SchoolTube must be approved by registered teachers.



An online community for sharing instructional teacher videos as well as student created videos





Take a look at SCSS's RamTube's channel on YouTube  - 57 student created videos with 35 from Season One. 

more info from Wikipedia



First Class (AMDSB users)



Converting Videos

Mozilla Firefox has a tool that allows you to convert downloaded videos into almost any format. (from .flv to mp3)

It is called Video Conversion and it is a component of the Firefox add-on "DownloadHelper."

To get DownloadHelper: http://www.downloadhelper.net/

Instructions for adding Video Conversion: http://www.downloadhelper.net/conversion-manual.php


The Digital Camera in Education

All sorts of information on how to incorporate use of a digital camera in the classroom.



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