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iPod Demo for Teachers

Page history last edited by D. Doctor 14 years, 7 months ago

Here are some activities to try in demos to staff.


First of all, go over the various parts of the iPod and how to tap, pinch, swipe and shake. Use the spotlight page to find the first app - Weather. Check the weather to see if you have a wi-fi connection. If not, take a look at the wi-fi setting.  If you have a wi-fi connection,use the + sign to add another location.

Use the SmartBoard to show videos and slideshows.

Use a document camera to demonstrate various apps from the iPod.

Take notes and save in the Notes app or Evernote.

Take a screenshot of a picture from Safari (your Internet broswer app). Use mover to share the picture with someone.

Create a digital story using StoryKit.  Add photos, text and even voice.

Create a slideshow from pictures in your Photos app.

Create a video using Animoto with pictures in your Photos app and select music.

Edit and crop photos using various photoediting apps such as PS Mobile, Comic Touch.


Use Stanza to get free books to read on your iPod.

Use Doodlebuddy or Whiteboard as an interactive whiteboard.

Use First Class Mobile to send and receive FC mail, and have access to your calendar.

Use Mail and FC Mobile or FC Mail account to add contacts by tapping name in the mail message.

Set up bookmarks to specific websites with Safari

Find relevant podcasts through iTunesU - there is a series of videos on iPod Touch tutorials to help you get started - from Miami Dade College > Libraries and Computer Courtyards > iPod Touch Tutorials

And - use as a buzzer, flashlight, ruler, level and strobe light.  And...something to make rude noises with!

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