
Create an Avatar

Page history last edited by D. Doctor 14 years, 6 months ago

Create an Avatar for your profile picture




     Use your avatar instead of a photo of yourself to be used as your profile picture on social networking sites.

     Elementary students can use this site.  http://www.buildyourwildself.com/ . Older students 13+ can create a talking avatar at Voki.com


     This is a site where you can download already made avatars.  http://www.freeavatarsonline.com/

     Right click on the image to save.


     Some sites require that your image be of a certain size and dimensions.  If you need to resize your image, go to Zamzar, iResize.com or      Resize2mail.com.




1.  Go to Buildyourwildself and follow the online instructions. 

2.  When you are done, go to the send to friend button and send your avatar to your own e-mail address. 

3.  Go to First Class, find and open the message from buildyourwildself and save the attachment to your desktop. Send yourself the picture - send me one too!  diandoct@fc.amdsb.ca


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