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Twitter and your PLN

Page history last edited by D. Doctor 14 years, 2 months ago


What does your PLN mean to you? 


Why do you need to build a network?



To enlarge the image, go to




from the article 5 Reasons why Teachers should Network   by Tanya Roscorla  January 22, 2010


1.  To learn with others

2.  To serve your students

3.  To access a dynamic resource

4.  To extend your learning base

5.  To stay engaged in education.


Here's a compilation of tweets sent to @joedale in answer to the question “What does your Personal Learning Network (or PLN) mean to you?”













1.  Create your Twitter account.  Create a short user name. 

2.  Edit your settings.

3.  Now let's find some people to follow.





See who is following who.





4.  Tips on tweeting.

Tip#1  Keep it short.  Use bit.ly to shorten URL's.


Enter a long URL to make tiny:


Tip#2  To reply to a specific tweet type the @symbol, followed by that user's screen name before your message.  e.g. @ddoc  - thanks for the latest tweet


Tip#3   To send a direct message to a specific user only, go to the user's profile page or direct messages page but NOT the Twitter Home screen.


Tip#4  Check out Twitter FAQ`s - explaining what RT, HT, OH, ETC all mean.



5.  Looking for something specific  - go to http://search.twitter.com or sign in to



Go to TweetChat and enter a hashtag (#) for a specific topic.


6.  Manage your tweets with Tweetdeck.  Download the program and/or use the iPod app that is available from the iTunes store.


7.  Synch your tweets with Echofon, software that you can download to your computer.  This program will automatically keep unread tweets in sync between your computer, your iPhone and your iPad.



8.  Looking for a way to spice up a presentation on a specific topic.

Go to







Just for fun


Create a word cloud generated from your followers using TwitterSheep


Make a heading using a twitter logo generator.





Further Reading


Teaching the iGeneration:  5 Reasons Teachers and Students Should Twitter

5 Reasons why Teachers should Network

How to Build Your Twitter Following through Engaging Tweets

How to Use Twitter to Grow Your PLN


The Ultimate Twitter Guidebook for teachers


By TwitterIcon.com


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