
Let's go paperless with Wikis

Page history last edited by D. Doctor 13 years, 6 months ago

Summer I.T. Workshop Aug. 2011


What is a Wiki? (means quick in Hawaiian).


A wiki is a collaboratively edited webspace that allows visitors and collaborators to add and edit content.  The  most well known example of a wiki, is Wikipedia, an encyclopedia that anyone in the world can edit and update with the exception of certain locked pages.


Wikis  can be used as collaborative websites in the classroom.  In this workshop, we will be using PBworks and will learn how to edit and create pages, embed graphics, videos, create student accounts, and more. Examples of how wikis and blogs are used in AMDSB and elsewhere will be given.  


Prep for Workshop Participants

Come prepared with content, images and a name for your wiki.  Files can be placed on a thumbdrive or as an attachment to a First Class messsage.

Take a look at the following websites to get some ideas for your own site.

Example Wikis
https://hdurnin.pbworks.com - AMDSB elementary class site
http://gdciinformationwiki.pbworks.com - AMDSB - GDCI
https://greenspaceamdsb.pbworks.com/w/page/21433839/FrontPage - AMDSB site
https://educators.pbworks.com/w/page/21649306/Directory-of-wikis - links to many educator wikis
http://scps.pbworks.com - AMDSB SCPS site
https://thinkingoutsidethebox.pbworks.com - AMDSB gifted student site
http://www.teachersfirst.com/content/wiki/wikiideas1.cfm - some ideas

Think of an appropriate and catchy name for your wiki and send me a message before Aug. 24 with the name that you would like.  This will save us a lot of time if these sites are set up ahead of the workshop.  Your site can be deleted afterwards if you so choose.


First a Short Presentation


This slideshow was created online using Google Docs - Presentations and then embedded into this wiki.



Lets set up a Wiki




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